Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wish them bad luck.

This day is a heavy day for me. What the hell! My groupmates aren't helping me in our project. That's just not an ordinary project. It's a science project and it is equivalent to a quarterly exam. That project is our quarterly exam. I wish it was an individual work. I am the only one who is doing this crazy project! Dammit! What will I do to them? Should I fail them? Gosh. Stupid groupmates. Their lucky because I'm a hardworking person with long patience. But this time, I'm running out of patience! I can't report them to our teacher because I'm afraid of what will happen to their grade. Wish me luck. "Lord, help me! I need Your help." Anyway, I'll just think of who am I going to date this coming Valentine's Day. Hahaha! I hope it will be my crush. Haha! Just kiddin'! I do not know what will I do in fair days. I wish I could find a date. No kiddin' now. I'll just stop thinking of what will happen. I'll just focus and concentrate first on the present. I'll focus our project which is a burden for me. Being a leader comes with a great responsibility. I didn't wanted to be the leader of this project. It just happened to be me. "God, help me."